Friday, 4 March 2016

3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting Series 4000

3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting Series 4000 is a super-high efficiency, full cube retroreflective sheeting designed for the production of the traffic control signs and delineators that are
exposed vertically in service.
- State-of-the-art “full cube” technology
- 100 percent efficient optical elements
- Delivers optimal performance where and when drivers need it most
- Helps overcome reduced sign illumination from VOA headlights
- Offers excellent life-cycle value
- Short, medium and long sight distances
- Disadvantaged sign placement locations such as overhead or leftshoulder

Exceeds MS 1216:2003, LLM T1/07, JKR ATJ 2E/87 (Pindaan 2011) JKR 21300-0033-12 and ASTM D4956-11 a minimum reflectivity requirements
- Traffic control signs
- Work zone signs
- Delineators

For Any Enquiries:

email us at for free quotation

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